Shearn HR Legal
Human resources and recruitment
An independent avenue for both the private and public legal sector to hire new staff and to locate employment for lawyers.
Shearn HR Legal has rapidly gained the reputation of being Perth’s first specialist legal placement agency and is now pre-eminent in the field.
Professional advice to candidates across the board about career development is available and advice as to resume writing, application letter writing, special criteria writing, interview procedures and practice and general career counselling is also available.
About us
Our business
Shearn HR Legal provides on the job training and is very “hands on” in its approach to training its staff. It provides external training through industry training in recruitment workshops, seminars, discussions and sales seminars.
Our staff
Julianna’s credentials involve five years of work in the legal profession and as a legal recruitment specialist since August 1994. Her reputation as a first class Legal Recruitment Consultant grew when she stepped out of the legal sector and into the recruitment industry.
Our process
Upon sending your application, we will contact you via phone or e-mail to discuss your career options further.